Monday, 18 November 2019

Script and/or plot synopsis

At this moment I have decided not to do a script as I want to only use Foley sounds to heighten the senses of the spectators.

Plot Synopsis:
I have based it on how our worst nightmares are ourselves in the sense that we are the ones who stop ourselves from going for things.

Friday, 15 November 2019

Shot List

The types of shots I would like to include in my thriller are:

- Close up's
- Medium shots
- Dolly tracing shots
- Extreme close up's
- Whip pan
- Wide shot

Monday, 11 November 2019

Shooting plan (dates and times)

Rehearsal footage - 11/11/19 or 12/11/19

Filming days -              20/11/19
                         25/11/19 and 26/11/19

I will be using my own camera and on the rehearsal footage I will see whether or not I will need a tripod.

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Narrative application and Sound application

Narrative application:
In my film I will be using Todorrov's theory of equilibrium - 
Equilibrium - The girl walking her dog.
Disruption - She notices someone is following her.
Recognition of disruption - The person starts to chase her. 
Attempt to resolve - She tries to run away and ends up in different places.
New equilibrium - Shes back in her bed and she thinks it was just a nightmare but was it. 
Sound application:
Diagetic - Foley sounds: leaves, cars and birds
Non-diagetic - Music

Mise-en-scene application.

I have five different settings the montage at the beginning of the girl walking her dog through her estate, the woods in which she walks her dog through, the built up area she is transported to, the field she is also somehow taken to and finally her house at the very end.

Hair and makeup:
I want to keep the hair and makeup naturalistic with maybe a bit of powder added to her face to make sure it doesn't look to white on camera. The hair will be in a ponytail as this will link to a 10-12 year old.

I want the costume to also look naturalistic and not fake or setup just for this film. I want it to look as if a 10-12 year old would wear it. 

Again I want the lighting to be naturalistic from either the sun setting on that day or from the street lights. 

Character expression and movement:
The character will be out of breath from running with a scared expression on there face as they don't know why they are getting chased. 

Dogs lead, Photo of the field, leaves and phone. 

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Character profile's and Casting choices.

Character Profile's:

Name - Unknown.
Age - 10 - 12
Gender - Female
This young girl just went on her usual dog walk when someone started following her. Through the clothing that the girl will be wearing is how people will be able to determine her age.

Name - Unknown
Age - 10 - 12
Gender - Female
In the short film this character isn't really introduced to the spectators however I have decided to make it a doppelganger of the girl which will be revealed at the end. I want to leave it up to the spectators to determine why she is doing this and what could have happened to her at the end.

Casting Choices:
I need someone around the age of 10 or someone who looks about that age. That is why I chose to cast Harriet Prior in my short film as she has a young look to her. She does drama in school and can be very expressive facial wise which is what I need as I'm having little to no dialogue. For the second actor I was going to find a man to play that role but I thought that it has been done many times before so I have decided to use the same actress to play both parts as it will leave the audience questioning about why this is happening.
I also thought about going down the lines of our worst nightmares are ourselves.

Final Idea

My final idea is a going to be a Thriller:

There is a girl who take's her dog out. When she's on her dog walk her dog runs off into the woods and she follows the dog trying to get it back. The girl runs past this tree which transports her to a built up area. She walks around lost and sees a figure she runs past a building and she's in a field she then starts to run again and is back in the woods and falls over a log into the leaves and wakes up in her bed. She removes her covers and reveals leaves. She checks her phone where she has a message from her friend telling her to meet tomorrow at the built up area. On the way downstairs there is a picture of the field she was in. She goes downstairs to find out if it was just all a dream and see if her dog is there, she can't find him so she looks behind the curtain.

Monday, 4 November 2019

My version of the one minute short film 'Trapped'

The original short film:

My version of the short film:

I wanted to go along the same lines as the original however I wanted to make it my own and also suite it to the location I was shooting in which was a school. For this I had my actress dress up in smart clothing as if she is in sixth form. Which goes in with the setting which is set in a office. It wasn't very effective in my final product as it wasn't that similar in the end as when I started to film I wanted to make it more interesting. When making my version of this short I decided to add in more shot selections than the original short. I decided to do this as it added in more of the background setting rather than just focusing on the person. I changed shot lengths so that I had some that showed a second of what she was doing and others like her trying the window which were longer this was to show that she was 'Trapped' whereas the other shorter shot lengths where her bored. I decided to only add in the sounds of the door closing at the beginning and closing at the end this was to emphasise that she was 'Trapped' and to also concentrate more on the facial expressions. I also felt that dialogue would have ruined this short clip as she would have been talking to herself. Todorov's theory of equilibrium can be applied to 'Trapped' because all is normal when she walks in the room then the door shuts behind her, she realises that it has locked, she tries to get out through the window its shut she finally realises that the door is a pull she goes back to normal just now feeling a little stupid.

Final cut

After the recent event with corona virus, I was able to get my brother to be in my short film. With the change of actors my concept for ...